Compatible with Retail, Classic & TBC
Updated: 09-20-24 06:16 AM
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The War Within (11.0.2)
Cataclysm Classic (4.4.0)
Classic (1.15.2)
WOTLK Patch (3.4.3)
TBC Patch (2.5.4)
Updated:09-20-24 06:16 AM
Created:10-11-10 09:56 PM
Categories:Buff, Debuff, Spell, Casting Bars, Cooldowns

Raven  Updated this week!  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: r684
by: Tojaso, Dicebar

For feature suggestions and/or bug reports, please use our issue tracker.

Major Features

1) Customizable timer bar and icon configurations to monitor buffs, debuffs and cooldowns
2) Multi-target HoT and DoT tracking bars
3) Timelines to show buff, debuff and cooldown icons sliding along a bar
4) Comprehensive condition checking to support buffing/debuffing, spell rotations, etc.
5) Data broker display with horizontal stripe configuration
6) Value bars to show game and player info plus unit frame data

Installation and Configuration

Install Raven by copying its files into your WoW addons folder (or use your favorite addons update utility).
You can bring up a configuration panel by typing in "/raven" or clicking on Raven's optional minimap button or data broker icon. Raven includes detailed tooltips for most options in the configuration panel.

Raven project page:
Bufflehead project page: (for cancelling player buffs in combat)

Compatible with Shadowlands and Classic

The latest releases include support for both retail and classic servers. For classic servers, this release is intended to provide basic compatibility but not to be optimized to exactly match classic's functionality.

Getting Started

The quickest way to get started with Raven is to use the standard bar groups on the Setup tab of the configuration panel. Standard bar groups offer a variety of presentations of buffs and debuffs on the player, target and focus plus cooldowns for the player.
Select the standard bar groups you want (hint: you probably don't want all the player buff bar groups since that will result in duplicates) and click either the Create As Bars or Create As Icons button. This will create an anchor for each selected bar group near the center of your display that you can move by clicking and dragging.
When you mouse over an anchor you'll see a tooltip with shortcuts for changing the bar group's configuration and for showing test bars. You can lock and unlock the bar group anchors using buttons on the configuration panel Setup tab (locked anchors are hidden, unlocked anchors are visible). The Defaults tab lets you change the appearance of your bars with configuration options for bar dimensions, fonts and textures.

Using Bar Groups

Once you set up standard bar groups, timer bars or icons will be displayed for buffs, debuffs and cooldowns. Bars will be in standard colors which can be customized on the Defaults tab (and overridden in each bar group, see More Customization below).
After using Raven a while, you will probably want to make some adjustments. Perhaps you don't like the default colors of the bars or you want to switch between bars and icons. Or maybe you want a dedicated bar group for the procs and cooldowns you monitor closely during combat.
At this point, it is necessary to understand that there are two types of bar groups: auto bar groups and custom bar groups. Auto bar groups are used to automatically display bars for buffs, debuffs and cooldowns. Most of the standard bar groups (all except Notifications) are pre-configured auto bar groups. Custom bar groups allow you to manually configure bars for a mix of buffs, debuffs, cooldowns and notifications. Typically, custom bar groups are used to present spell rotations and buff/cleansing reminders.

Auto Bar Groups

Open the configuration panel and click on the Bar Groups tab. Using the pull-down menu near the top, select any existing standard bar group (except Notifications) or create a new auto bar group by clicking on the New Auto Group button. A second set of tabs appears that lets you configure the selected bar group.
You use the Buffs, Debuffs, and Cooldowns tabs to specify what kinds of bars to display (and which ones to filter out). These tabs lets you control how the bar group is populated as new buffs, debuffs and cooldowns are detected. For buffs and debuffs, you specify who the action must be on and who it must be cast by. For cooldowns, you specify what kinds of cooldowns to detect. When new buffs, debuffs and cooldowns are detected that match the criteria, bars for them are automatically displayed.
Auto bar groups have filter lists to let you suppress showing unwanted bars. Both black lists (i.e., don't show if on the list) and white lists (i.e., only show if on the list) are supported. You can manage filter lists on the Buff, Debuff and Cooldown tabs.

Custom Bar Groups

While the standard bar groups provide an easy way to get started, you might also want to set up bar groups that contain just the bars you care about during combat. For example, to support your feral druid's DPS rotation you might want bars for the Savage Roar buff on the player, Mangle, Rake and Rip debuffs on the target, and Tiger's Fury and Berserk cooldowns.
To create a new custom bar group, open the Raven configuration panel, select the Bar Groups tab, then click on New Custom Group and enter a name (e.g., "Combat Bars"). This will bring up a new, empty bar group. To add bars, select the Custom Bars tab and click the New button.
When you click the New button, the configuration panel is put into bar creation mode (you won't be able to access other options until you click either Okay or Cancel at the bottom of the scrollable options). Select a bar type (e.g., buff, debuff, cooldown) and then appropriate options. For example, when you select Buff, you can then enter a spell name. Pay particular attention to correctly setting who the action is on and who it is cast by. Click Okay to finishing adding the bar (it is now included in the list of bars and can be customized by clicking on it and adjusting its associated options). You can repeat the bar creation process by clicking New again to add any mix of bar types.
The Custom Bars tab also lets you make changes to bars after they have been added. Select any individual bar to bring up configuration options that let you adjust its color, label text, special effects, and other properties. You can toggle enable to disable the bar.

More Customization

You can further customize bar groups using configuration settings in the General, Layout, Appearance, and Timer Options tabs. The following is a brief description of what each tab supports (mouse over options for explanatory tooltips).
The General tab provides options to enable/disable the entire bar group, rename the bar group, specify how bars are sorted, conditionally show/hide the bar group, and adjust settings for mouse clicks, tooltips, and special effects (e.g., pulsing icons, flashing on expiration).
The Layout and Appearance tabs let you modify the look of the selected bar group. You can adjust the bar group's configuration and the direction that bars grow from the anchor. You can select alternate coloring schemes which, among other things, let you show each spell with a custom color that you can define on the Spells tab. You can adjust dimensions, fonts and textures (after overriding defaults set on the Defaults tab). You can turn on and off particular characteristics (icon, colored bar, spark, label, etc.) and change their relative positions. If you prefer icon-based interfaces, Raven includes configurations featuring large icons with optional mini-bars. You can also attach bar groups to each other to facilitate alignment (including the ability to attach to a bar group's last bar so a stack of bar groups can expand and shrink as needed). Play around some and check out the range of possible designs (hint: you can shift-left-click on a bar group anchor to show test bars).
The Timer Options tab lets you adjust settings related to bar duration and time left. You can set all bars in a group to have a uniform duration (this makes it easy to compare how much time is left on bars with similar, but slightly different, durations). You can specify whether to show bars with unlimited duration (e.g., paladin auras). You can filter bars based on their durations and amount of time left (this is how the standard bar groups separate short buffs from long buffs).
Bar groups can have background panels and borders. Set them up in the Defaults tab to show them for all bar groups or in the Appearance tab for individual bar groups. You can enable a background panel with texture, color, and size (size is specified as padding in pixels from the bar group's bars and icons). You can enable a background border separately with a border design, color, edge size, and inset (inset helps merge panel and border correctly).

Multi-Target Buff and Debuff Tracking

Raven includes multi-target buff and debuff tracking similar to other DoT and HoT timer addons. The Setup tab now includes Buff Tracker and Debuff Tracker standard bar groups. These bar groups will group timer bars for buffs or debuffs that you cast on each target and, by default, will show a header with the target name above its associated timer bars. Optionally, you can include the target name in the timer bar labels instead of showing headers (set Hide Headers on the General tab for the bar group). Use black list and white list filtering capabilities in these bar groups to customize them (e.g., you can make a Beacon of Light tracker by creating a HoT timer bar group with only that spell in its white list). You might want to stick with bar-oriented configurations for these since the headers (which include raid target icons and indicate current target, focus or mouseover unit) are currently designed to work best as bars.


Raven monitors a variety of events during play and can display notifications when certain conditions are met. While somewhat complex to set up, conditions are quite powerful and can help with spell rotations, decursing, etc. Raven includes default conditions for each class for basics like making sure you have class-specific buffs during combat.
Conditions can be used in Raven to trigger notifications and to control whether or not bar groups are visible. Generally speaking, once you set up a condition you will want to set up a notification bar to show you when the condition is true. When you configure the Notifications standard bar group on the Setup tab, you automatically get notifications for your configured conditions.
Conditions are configured in Raven under the Conditions tab. To get a feel for setting up conditions, take a minute to look at the default conditions for your class. Select one of the conditions using the pull-down menu near the top. A second set of two tabs (General, Tests) appears with options for configuring the selected condition.
The Tests tab has a summary of settings at the top and a list of available tests below. There are tests for checking status of the player, target and focus, tests for checking for combinations of buffs and defuffs, and tests for checking if spells or items are ready to be used. Selecting a test brings up options specific to that test. For example, the Player Status test lets you check if you are in combat, resting, have more than a certain percentage of your health, how many combo points you have, etc.
All the tests you enable must be true for the overall condition to evaluate to true (the summary at the top is intended to help visualize how the tests combine). You can also add dependencies between conditions that can be helpful for factoring out common tests (e.g., a condition to see if you are in cat form and in combat might be a dependency for other conditions defining a druid's feral spell rotation).
The General tab for each condition allows you to enable/disable the condition and specify if the condition is suitable for triggering a notification. You can also associate a spell with a condition (the spell's icon and color are used to customize notifications based on the condition).

Multiple Characters

Raven is designed to simplify configuration across multiple characters. This is required because each class may make quite different use of timer bars (e.g., some depend on tracking cooldowns while others watch for debuffs to expire on the target). In the Profiles tab, Raven includes the profile options common to Ace3-based addons and, by default, creates a new profile for each character.
In addition to using profiles, Raven shares a variety of settings across characters. This can result in some confusion since it works differently than in other addons (but can simplify configuring Raven if you play several different classes). First, the appearance options on the Defaults tab (dimensions, fonts, textures) apply to all profiles (they can be overridden as needed in any bar group, of course). Second, almost all bar group settings (the primary exception being the actual bars associated with custom groups) are linked between bar groups of the same name in all profiles that have Link Settings enabled (note that Link Settings is no longer enabled by default for standard bar groups on the Setup tab). Third, filter lists are linked by default between auto bar groups of the same name in all profiles, simplifying dealing with unwanted buff, debuff and cooldown bars.

Cancelling Buffs

Raven includes support for right-click cancel of player buffs when out of combat but only limited support for cancelling in combat.*The addon Bufflehead was created to address this. Please check it out and consider using it as a companion addon with Raven.*Raven does include an "in-combat" bar that is useful if you can anticipate which buffs you will need to cancel. You set up the "in-combat" bar with a list of player buffs that you want to be able to cancel in combat. When one of these buffs becomes active, its icon pulses into place on the "in-combat" bar and you can right-click it to cancel.

Final Words

I hope you enjoy using Raven for all your buff, debuff and cooldown needs! Questions and comments are always welcome.

20 September 2024
  • Fixed bug with identifying spells by spell ID.

19 September 2024
  • Fixed a bug with empty spellbook tabs.
  • Fixed a bug where spell list entries with just integers caused the spell list to become inaccessible.

12 September 2024
  • Fixed the mounted condition not recognizing druids' flight and travel forms.

20 August 2024
  • Fixed an error in aura cancellation (thanks Road-Block for providing the fix!)

15 August 2024
  • Fixed namespace bugs for Raven_Options.

14 August 2024
  • Fixed namespace changes.

27 July 2024
  • More bugfixes for The War Within.

25 July 2024
  • More bugfixes for The War Within.
  • Added support for cooldowns on Paladins' Flash of Light spell.

24 July 2024
  • Various bugfixes for The War Within.

23 July 2024
  • Fixed various new API changes for The War Within

13 May 2024
  • Restored support for specialization tests in Cataclysm.
  • Restored support for hiding bar groups while in a vehicle in Cataclysm.

02 May 2024
  • Added Cataclysm TOCs.
  • Fixed issues with Tooltip API.
  • Added support for tracking weapon buffs on ranged weapons in Cataclysm.

03 April 2024
  • Fixed new API changes thanks to @arnvid

24 March 2024
  • Removed tracking from the player's auto group bars.
  • Fixed enemy buffs in target auto group bars.

23 March 2024
  • Fixed Cataclysm beta API bug.

22 February 2024
  • Split hiding Blizzard's buffs and debuffs into separate configuration options.

9 February 2024
  • Disabled the tracking type for auto buffs bars in Classic.

31 January 2024
  • Fixed classic-only bug with target-of-target frames.

19 December 2023
  • Added new time format that replicates the Blizzard's time format.
  • Fixed bugs introduced with previous release.

18 December 2023
  • Fixes for 10.2.5 API changes

18 November 2023
  • Removed support for range checks in conditions. An unfortunate casualty of Blizzard preventing mods from telling players where to (not) stand during encounters.

16 November 2023
  • Fixed bug caused by namespace changes in Classic WoW.

10 November 2023
  • Fixed bug caused by Retail changing the addon management API.

24 August 2023
  • Fixed bug caused by Classic Era now using part of the Dragonflight API for addons.

25 June 2023
  • Fixed bug causing Apotheosis and Power Word: Salvation cooldowns to not be tracked properly.

18 May 2023
  • Fixed bug causing Fire Elemental and Storm Elemental to not have their cooldowns tracked properly.

12 May 2023
  • Fixed bug caused by tooltip API change.

3 May 2023
  • Fixed bug caused by weapon buffs API having changed.

21 April 2023
  • Fixed bug to active talent conditions not differentiating between choice talents.

16 March 2023
  • Fixed a bug leading to cooldowns to not be cached properly in WotLK.

11 March 2023
  • Fixed a bug causing cooldowns to be incorrectly cached.
  • Fixed a bug causing Ignore Pain to not be testable as ready for non-Protection Warriors.

19 February 2023
  • Fixed a cooldown bug for Arms Warriors, where Whirlwind would not properly trigger a cooldown.
  • Fixed bug with item cooldowns no longer working in Dragonflight.

26 January 2023
  • Optimized Weapon tooltip Scan for Temporary Weapon Enchants

14 January 2023
  • Fixed bug causing Slam's cooldown, when combined with the Storm of Swords talent, to not be testable for conditions.

28 December 2022
  • Fixed spelling for global cooldown in options menu, causing errors for some users
  • Fixed bug with game version variation detection
  • Improved check for TukUI/ElvUI fonts

27 December 2022
  • Rewrite of basecode to better handle variations in game versions
  • Extracted "Global Cooldown" from "Other" to it's own checkbox in the "Cooldowns" tab for bars
  • Fixed issues with Wrath PTR

7 December 2022
  • Added toc-file for Wrath of the Lich King.
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Unread 06-24-13, 12:18 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally Posted by mikar
This addon crashes my PTR Client v5.0.4 (Build 17093, Text x86). Addon version used r301.

Error message:

Any chance you can update this addon for PTR? And thanks for your work on Raven, i love it.

There have been multiple reports of error #134 on the PTR that appear to be related to addon use but do not involve Raven (e.g.,, Addons should never be able to cause a crash to the desktop and, based on the contents of the error reports, I suspect that Blizzard has a bug in the code it uses to manage client memory (possibly triggered by loading addons).

I test Raven on the PTR with no other addons enabled except BugSack/BugGrabber and I have not yet seen error #134 myself.

Hopefully Blizzard will resolve this error soon.
Tojaso/Tomber, author of Raven
Last edited by Tojaso : 06-24-13 at 12:41 PM.
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Unread 06-24-13, 09:16 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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This addon crashes my PTR Client v5.0.4 (Build 17093, Text x86). Addon version used r301.

Error message:

Any chance you can update this addon for PTR? And thanks for your work on Raven, i love it.

Last edited by mikar : 06-24-13 at 09:17 AM.
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Unread 06-22-13, 06:12 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally Posted by Bloodheir
Originally Posted by Bloodheir
Hello everyone!

First thank you very much for extra width & extra height feauture into panels.

and my question:
It is possible to set my height bar less than 5?

Im currently use an appearance mod and here is how it looks, but does not works perfect.

Nevermind,i have fix it!
I have set the minimum bar height to 1 from options.lua and works perfect!
I will change to allow minimum bar height of 1 in the next release.
Tojaso/Tomber, author of Raven
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Unread 06-21-13, 11:57 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Originally Posted by Bloodheir
Hello everyone!

First thank you very much for extra width & extra height feauture into panels.

and my question:
It is possible to set my height bar less than 5?

Im currently use an appearance mod and here is how it looks, but does not works perfect.

Nevermind,i have fix it!
I have set the minimum bar height to 1 from options.lua and works perfect!
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Unread 06-14-13, 08:49 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Hello everyone!

First thank you very much for extra width & extra height feauture into panels.

and my question:
It is possible to set my height bar less than 5?

Im currently use an appearance mod and here is how it looks, but does not works perfect.

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Unread 06-07-13, 05:58 PM  
A Molten Giant
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<3 update

Thanks for the update! I send you a massage back about the Holy lock out!
Originally Posted by Tojaso
Hmm, I think of the ICB as containing a small number of class-specific buffs that you want to click off in combat.
On my Paladin I have 4 Buffs and on my Druid I have 5 Buffs. Hunter and DK no Buffs, Mage, WL, Priest, Rogue, Monk 2 buffs and then there are some buffs from other things. I think the sorting of the ICB is atm just annoying and since we can't sort it by time left I think the best way woud be to sort it by class : the class you play has all its own buffs next to each other and if an other class joints the group you have his buffs also next to each other - that woud be cool!
Author of: LeilaUI and Aurora: Missing Textures
Last edited by Tonyleila : 06-07-13 at 06:00 PM.
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Unread 06-04-13, 11:18 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: In-Combat Bar update

Originally Posted by Tonyleila
EDIT: is it possible to hide the ICB in pet battels?
Yes, will be in the next build.

Update: Changes in r300...
Hide In-Combat Bar during pet battles.
Add condition test for target's maximum health (might be useful to detect bosses in some situations).
Add condition test for pet's creature family and talent tree (note this includes a workaround for a blizzard API bug when checking ferocity pets as hunter).

This build will be marked beta tomorrow and, if no issues arise, will be released in a couple days.
Tojaso/Tomber, author of Raven
Last edited by Tojaso : 06-06-13 at 09:15 PM.
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Unread 06-03-13, 05:38 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: In-Combat Bar update

Well ok keybinds are cool but only to Cancel all buffs. If I need a keybinding for alll that buffs I alrady have 35 keybindings thats enough.
Ice Block can be klicked off just be klicking it again in your action bar and for Dispersion I have a macro to cancel it.
ATM I have about 23 buffs in the overall list but I think it will go to about 30. I'll post a list later if you want.

klick of hots is also interesting for bosses like Twin Consorts or Amber-Shaper Un'sok

EDIT: is it possible to hide the ICB in pet battels?
Author of: LeilaUI and Aurora: Missing Textures
Last edited by Tonyleila : 06-03-13 at 06:29 PM.
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Unread 06-03-13, 05:29 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Re: Re: Re: In-Combat Bar update

Originally Posted by Tonyleila
Tojaso you are the best! Only thing that teases me is the spacing between some buffs are you shure its not a bug? at my priest the t buffs are next to each other but on my paladin there are fare away.

I will add all heal over time buffs (to give a mage no way to steal them or bosses where you don't want healspells on you) and some classbuffs that I want to be able to klick off in combat. So I wonder what hill happen if the first bar is full?
Hmm, I think of the ICB as containing a small number of class-specific buffs that you want to click off in combat. For example, Ice Block for mage. I don't PVP so it didn't occur to me that you might want to click off HoTs to prevent spellstealing! How many buffs do you have in the list for the paladin? The length of the bar should be approximately the number of buffs times the size of the buff icons plus space between icons. Have you checked out CancelMyBuffs addon? It seems ideal if you have a large number of buffs you want to cancel and keybinds are so much faster than clicking.
Tojaso/Tomber, author of Raven
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Unread 06-03-13, 05:16 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Re: Re: Re: In-Combat Bar update

Tojaso you are the best! Only thing that teases me is the spacing between some buffs are you shure its not a bug? at my priest the t buffs are next to each other but on my paladin there are fare away.

I will add all heal over time buffs (to give a mage no way to steal them or bosses where you don't want healspells on you) and some classbuffs that I want to be able to klick off in combat. So I wonder what hill happen if the first bar is full?

Also I have an idea woud it be possible to klick away all buffs with one klick by strg+shift klick one of the buff?^^

Edit: if there is no way to avoid the spacing maybe add an option to sort the buffs by class ?
Author of: LeilaUI and Aurora: Missing Textures
Last edited by Tonyleila : 06-03-13 at 05:22 PM.
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Unread 06-03-13, 12:24 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Re: In-Combat Bar update

Originally Posted by Tonyleila
Hey Tojaso thanks for the update!
1. I'm testing the alpha right now...
The first error is the result of a copy-and-paste botch and will be fixed this afternoon in a new build. The spacing between icons is inherent in how ICB works (this is where the analogy to an action bar is strongest). Since you can't move the buttons in combat, the placement of each buff-cancelling button is predetermined and this can result in empty space between active buffs. I'll go through each of your other feedback items and let you know what I figure out.

Update Alpha r299 includes the following changes:
Fix copy-and-paste error in Nest.lua that caused error related to flashing.
Add option to hide the custom border around buff icons on the In-Combat Bar.
Adjust size of buff icons with custom border so doesn't show edges.
Change fade until mouseover option to react if any part of the In-Combat Bar has mouseover.
Fix bug with enabling In-Combat Bar that caused border to show even if locked.
Make pulse at end more reliable for In-Combat Bar buff icons.

The ICB does not currently support a time overlay either within Raven or using OmniCC. This requires adding a text layer for the timer plus associated config options. Once we get some more test time on the ICB changes I'll consider adding those.
Tojaso/Tomber, author of Raven
Last edited by Tojaso : 06-03-13 at 04:33 PM.
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Unread 06-03-13, 10:12 AM  
A Molten Giant
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Re: In-Combat Bar update

Hey Tojaso thanks for the update!
1. I'm testing the alpha right now and a big wild icon with "Body and Soul" buff apperas anywhere in my screen when I cast Power Word: Shield on my self. normaly this icon shoud show up in the normal buff bar AND in my filtered with raven filter bar for "Pala+Priest Buffs" I tryed to disable the in combat bar but its still the same bug.

30x Raven-r298\Nest.lua:1204: attempt to call global "Nest_FlashAlphaNest_FlashAlpha" (a nil value)
Raven-r298\Nest.lua:1204: in function <Raven\Nest.lua:1123>
Raven-r298\Nest.lua:1565: in function "Nest_Update"
Raven-r298\Main.lua:652: in function "Update"
Raven-r298\Main.lua:361: in function <Raven\Main.lua:361>

(for generator) = <func> =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 Normal-Debuffs = <table> {}
 Pala+Priest-Buffs = <table> {}
 Raid-Debuffs = <table> {}
 Target-Debuffs = <table> {}
 Special-Buffs = <table> {}
 Timeline = <table> {}
 SelfOnly = <table> {}
 Normal-Buffs = <table> {}
 Normal-Target-Debuffs = <table> {}
 Normal-Target-Buffs = <table> {}
(for control) = "Pala+Priest-Buffs"
_ = "Pala+Priest-Buffs"
bg = <table> {
 timeAlign = "normal"
 spacingX = 2.25
 barHeight = 5.25
 configuration = 9
 backdropFill = <table> {}
 anchorPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
 iconFlags = "OUTLINE"
 borderColor = <table> {}
 iconAlign = "CENTER"
 timeSpaces = false
 fgNotTimer = true
 iconFSize = 14
 lastColumn = -65.25
 snapCenter = false
 lastRow = 52.5
 iconOffsetY = 0
 fgBrightness = -0.5
 width = 50.25
 fgSaturation = -1
 wrapDirection = false
 reverse = true
 tlDuration = 300
 tlColor = <table> {}
 mouseAlpha = 1
 spacingY = 15
 alpha = 1
 labelWrap = false
 scale = 1
 showSpark = true
 backdropOffsetX = 0
 backdropInset = 3.75
 showIcon = true
 showCooldown = true
 iconHide = false
 labelColor = <table> {}
 labelOffset = 0
 showBar = false
 tlLabels = <table> {}
 borderOffset = 0.75
 backdropWidth = 15.75
 sortPlayer = false
 tlAlpha = 1
 timeFont = "Addons\SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\fonts\HandelGothicBT.ttf"
 labelFont = "Addons\SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\fonts\starcine.ttf"
 labelAlign = "MIDDLE"
 timeCase = false
 backdropTable = <table> {}
 MSQ_Group = <table> {}
 timeFormat = 27
 frame = RavenBarGroupPala+Priest-Buffs {}
 tlTexture = "TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"
 iconInset = 0
 tlSplash = true
 backdropPadding = 15.75
 maxBars = 2
 timeIcon = false
 timeInset = 0
 tlSwitch = 2
 update = true
 backdropOffsetY = 0
 labelFSize = 14
 iconFont = "Addons\SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\fonts\HandelGothicBT.ttf"
 timeFlags = "OUTLINE"
 tlHide = false
 anchor = <unnamed> {}
 fgAlpha = 1
 tlHeight = 24.75
 moving = false
 iconAlpha = 1
 bgBrightness = 0
 showTimeText = true
 iconSize = 50.25
 labelAlpha = 1
 wrap = 2
 backdrop = RavenBarGroupBackdropPala+Priest-Buffs {}
 bgSaturation = 0
 sortFunction = <func> @Raven\Nest.lua:189
 borderTable = <table> {}
 name = "Pala+Priest-Buffs"
 position = <table> {}
 height = 50.25
 labelCenter = false
 bgAlpha = 1
 bgTexture = "Addons\Recount\Textures\statusbar\Flat"
 backdropColor = <table> {}
 strata = "MEDIUM"
 tlScale = 3
 fgTexture = "Addons\LeilaMedia\Textures\pHish16.tga"
 borderWidth = -4.5
 borderTexture = "Addons\LeilaMedia\Borders\4.tga"
 backdropPadH = 0
 timeColor = <table> {}
 tlAlternate = true
 iconShadow = true
 fillBars = false
 timeAlpha = 1
 labelShadow = true
 locked = true
 attributes = <table> {}
 timeFSize = 13
 sorter = <table> {}
 callbacks = <table> {}
 tlWidth = 225
 count = 2
 iconColor = <table> {}
 timeShadow = true
 showLabelText = false
 backdropPadW = 0
 iconOffset = -8.25
 labelInset = 0
 timeOffset = 36.75
 iconOffsetX = 0
 bars = <table> {}
 sortTime = true
 barWidth = 20.25
config = <table> {
 iconOnly = true
 bars = "r2l"
 name = "Icons in rows, with right-to-left mini-bars"
 orientation = "horizontal"
alpha = 1
(for generator) = <func> =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 LevitierenBuffplayer111759 = <table> {}
 Körper und GeistBuffplayer65081 = <table> {}
(for control) = "Körper und GeistBuffplayer65081"
_ = "Körper und GeistBuffplayer65081"
bar = <table> {
 iconTextFrame = RavenButton9IconTextFrame {}
 fgTexture = <unnamed> {}
 ca = 1
 cg = 0.60392156862745
 bgTexture = <unnamed> {}
 startTime = 2773.576
 icon = RavenButton9 {}
 container = RavenButton9Container {}
 textFrame = RavenButton9TextFrame {}
 labelText = <unnamed> {}
 timeText = <unnamed> {}
 iconText = <unnamed> {}
 name = "Körper und GeistBuffplayer65081"
 flash = true
 label = "Körper und Geist"
 callbacks = <table> {}
 ba = 1
 duration = 4
 buttonData = <table> {}
 ibg = 1
 bb = 0.023529411764
2. Also I have noticed that if you enable/disable the in combat bar the border of the bar comes up also if the "lock bar layout" option is still enabled

3. It woud be cool if you can hide that light gray border around the ICB icons so that I can simply use an icon replacement for the interface folder to skin the icons instead of using masque. OK works now that I photoshoped Normal.tga

4. The fade untill mouseover option is cool but seams to work for every icon individualy. Woud be better to show all icons when mouseover one of them

5. The spcacing between the icons in the ICB seams to be odd sometimes there is about 3 icons spacing between 2 icons. (also after reload)

6. What about timers for the ICB? Maybe allow OmniCC to only show up at this bar?
Author of: LeilaUI and Aurora: Missing Textures
Last edited by Tonyleila : 06-03-13 at 11:30 AM.
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Unread 06-02-13, 09:29 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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In-Combat Bar update

I've been looking at the in-combat bar (ICB) some more. The current implementation doesn't work with Masque. The ICB uses two layers of display objects, one layer is invisible and the other is visible. The invisible layer is based on SecureActionButtons and Masque does indeed work on those, but since the layer itself is invisible that doesn't help much. The visible layer contains the icons that indicate when a buff is active but uses simple non-interactive frames that are not skinnable by Masque. It might be possible to switch the visible layer to use SecureActionButtons also so that Masque could be enabled, however I am leery of touching this code again. It was challenging to get the current design to work in combat without taint.

It might not be too bad to add a hide/fade until mouseover option to the ICB. I'm going to test that later today. Update: This option is included in alpha r298.

An alternative: the ICB is roughly equivalent to a Bartender4 bar with macros for cancelling specific buffs and the appropriate visibility options enabled (this may also be possible in Dominos and other action bar addons but I am more familiar with BT4). Indeed, if you consider how CancelMyBuffs works, the macros could cancel multiple buffs each and a fairly small BT4 bar could cover many buffs that you might want to cancel. You would give up the highlighting of active buffs that ICB provides but gain Masque skinning and mouseover support.
Tojaso/Tomber, author of Raven
Last edited by Tojaso : 06-02-13 at 03:09 PM.
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Unread 06-01-13, 06:55 PM  
local roygbi-
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Re: Recent updates

Originally Posted by Tojaso
Alpha r297 is now available for testing at Raven's curseforge page. I've added options to add extra width and height to panels and to adjust their positions. This should support proper sizing and alignment of panels for bar groups that have issues with panel anchoring (reported by Bloodheir). Also, I've added an option to desaturate icons only when the target is friendly (requested by Nibleheim) and increased the maximum size of In-Combat Bar icons to 50 (requested by Tonyleila).
You're the best
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Unread 06-01-13, 05:40 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Recent updates

Alpha r297 is now available for testing at Raven's curseforge page. I've added options to add extra width and height to panels and to adjust their positions. This should support proper sizing and alignment of panels for bar groups that have issues with panel anchoring (reported by Bloodheir). Also, I've added an option to desaturate icons only when the target is friendly (requested by Nibleheim) and increased the maximum size of In-Combat Bar icons to 50 (requested by Tonyleila).
Tojaso/Tomber, author of Raven
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