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04-15-24, 10:58 AM   #1
nUI Maintainer
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StatusBar / Texture - Width/Coloring issues

I've been slowly working on the nUI replacement. But I have hit a snag with creating a simple health bar.

I tried StatusBar control which correctly resized the bar according to the min/max and value settings. But, it wouldn't let me change the bar color based on the percentage.

I noticed nUI used a regular frame with a texture, so thought I would try that route. So, I had a frame holding a black texture that was always max width to the frame width and a texture holding the bar that adjusts its colours according to the percentage of health.

However, I have not been able to get the SetWidth command to work with the resizable texture. If I clear all its points and then set the single TOPLEFT point it stays at minWidth (0), if I don't clear all the points it stays at max width (150).

The new width is correctly being calculated according to current heath and max health ratio and the parent frames width but the function to actually SetWidth appears to be ignoring it.

I keep going through the code but can't see anything I have missed or added extra. Below should be all the pertinent code blocks that affects the element in question. Hopefully someone will see something my eyes are clearly missing, or I am misunderstanding in general rofl.

Thanks in advance.

This is the template that I created for it
Lua Code:
  1. <Frame name = "XrystalUI_StatusBarTemplate" virtual = "true">        
  2.         <Size x="5" y="5"/>
  3.         <Layers>
  4.         <Layer level = "BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="-2">
  5.             <Texture parentKey = "Background" />
  6.         </Layer>        
  7.         <Layer level = "BACKGROUND" textureSubLevel="2">
  8.             <Texture parentKey = "Bar" />              <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  9.         </Layer>        
  10.         <Layer level = "OVERLAY" textureSubLevel = "2">
  11.             <FontString parentKey="CenterText">
  12.                 <Anchors>
  13.                     <Anchor point="CENTER" x="0" y="0"/>
  14.                 </Anchors>
  15.             </FontString>
  16.             <FontString parentKey="LeftText">
  17.                 <Anchors>
  18.                     <Anchor point="LEFT" x="2" y="0"/>
  19.                 </Anchors>
  20.             </FontString>
  21.             <FontString parentKey="RightText">
  22.                 <Anchors>
  23.                     <Anchor point="RIGHT" x="-2" y="0"/>
  24.                 </Anchors>
  25.             </FontString>        
  26.         </Layer>
  27.         </Layers>
  28.     </Frame>

This is the layout settings being used ( will become the default settings when finished )
Lua Code:
  1. addonNS.Solo.Player.HealthBar = {
  2.     width = 150,
  3.     height = 20,
  4.     anchor = {                              
  5.         point = "TOPLEFT",
  6.         relativeTo = "Portrait",
  7.         relativePoint = "TOPRIGHT",
  8.         xOffset = "5",
  9.         yOffset = "0",
  10.     },
  11.     fontObject = "GameFontHighlightOutline",
  12.     --orientation = "HORIZONTAL", -- also "VERTICAL"
  13.     --fillStyle = "STANDARD",
  14.     color =
  15.     {
  16.         ["min"] = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 },   -- empty bar color
  17.         ["mid"] = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 },   -- bar color at 50%
  18.         ["max"] = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 },   -- full bar color
  19.     },
  21. }

The frame is being created with this code and is called when the unit frame in question has finished it's creation stage
Lua Code:
  1. addonNS.HealthBar.Create = function(unitFrame)
  2.     local newFrame = CreateFrame("StatusBar","XrystalUI_".. unitFrame.unitKey .. "_HealthBar",unitFrame,"XrystalUI_StatusBarTemplate")
  4.     newFrame.unitFrame = unitFrame
  6.     newFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
  7.     newFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH")
  8.     newFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH")
  9.     newFrame:SetScript("OnEvent",OnHealthEvent)
  11.     return newFrame
  12. end

-- This is used to apply the layout information and is called by the unit frame when doing their layout updates. It is also aimed to be used when the layout is changed ( at present just a default layout used )
Lua Code:
  1. addonNS.HealthBar.ApplyLayout = function(newFrame, activeFrameLayout, defaultFrameLayout)
  2.     local activeLayout = activeFrameLayout.HealthBar
  3.     local defaultLayout = defaultFrameLayout.HealthBar
  4.     local relativeTo = addonNS.UnitFrames.IdentifyRelativeTo(activeLayout, defaultLayout, newFrame)
  6.     newFrame:SetPoint(  activeLayout.anchor.point or defaultLayout.anchor.point,
  7.                         relativeTo,
  8.                         activeLayout.anchor.relativePoint or defaultLayout.anchor.relativePoint,
  9.                         activeLayout.anchor.xOffset or defaultLayout.anchor.xOffset,
  10.                         activeLayout.anchor.yOffset or defaultLayout.anchor.yOffset   )
  12.     newFrame:SetSize(   activeLayout.width or defaultLayout.width,
  13.                         activeLayout.height  or defaultLayout.height   )
  15.     -- Set up the BarTexture's Background
  16.     newFrame.Background:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,1)
  17.     newFrame.Background:SetAllPoints()
  19.     -- Set up the BarTexture Position  <<<<<<<<<<<
  20.     newFrame.Bar:ClearAllPoints()
  21.     newFrame.Bar:SetPoint("LEFT",newFrame,"LEFT",0,0)
  22.     newFrame.Bar:SetWidth(5)
  24.     -- Set up the texts font objects
  25.     local fontObject = activeLayout.fontObject or defaultLayout.fontObject
  26.     newFrame.CenterText:SetFontObject(fontObject)
  27.     newFrame.LeftText:SetFontObject(fontObject)
  28.     newFrame.RightText:SetFontObject(fontObject)
  29. end

And this is the code it executes whenever there is a health related event triggered ( currently UNIT_HEALTH and UNIT_MAXHEALTH and PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD )
Lua Code:
  1. addonNS.HealthBar.UpdateBarTexture = function(unitFrame)
  2.     print("UpdateBarTexture")
  3.     local activeFrameLayout,defaultFrameLayout = addonNS.UnitFrames.IdentifyLayoutsForUnit(unitFrame.unitKey)
  5.     local activeLayout = activeFrameLayout and activeFrameLayout.HealthBar
  6.     local defaultLayout = defaultFrameLayout and defaultFrameLayout.HealthBar
  7.     activeLayout = activeLayout or defaultLayout
  9.     local health =
  10.     local maxHealth = unitFrame.maxHealth
  12.     local healthRatio = tonumber(health) / tonumber(maxHealth)
  13.     local minRange = math.min( healthRatio, 1.0 )
  14.     local maxRange = math.max( 0.0, minRange)
  16.     local offset = maxRange
  17.     unitFrame.offset = maxRange
  19.     print(offset * activeLayout.width)
  20.     unitFrame.HealthBar.Bar:SetWidth(offset * activeLayout.width)
  22.     local range, color1, color2
  23.     if offset > 0.5 then               
  24.         range  = (offset - 0.5) * 2.0
  25.         color1 = activeLayout.color["mid"]
  26.         color2 = activeLayout.color["max"]        
  27.     else
  28.         range  = offset * 2.0
  29.         color1 = activeLayout.color["min"]
  30.         color2 = activeLayout.color["mid"]                
  31.     end
  33.     local r = (color2.r - color1.r) * range + color1.r;
  34.     local g = (color2.g - color1.g) * range + color1.g;
  35.     local b = (color2.b - color1.b) * range + color1.b;
  36.     local a = (color2.a - color1.a) * range + color1.a;    
  38.     unitFrame.HealthBar.Bar:SetColorTexture(r,g,b,1)    
  40. end

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 70 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 70 - Disc Priest
Lienae - 70 - Resto Shaman
Velandryn - 70 - Prot Paladin (TR)
+ 5 at 60+
+ 2 at 40+

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WoWInterface » Developer Discussions » Lua/XML Help » StatusBar / Texture - Width/Coloring issues

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