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Welcome to Voorije's Addon Portal. This is a collective interface for feedback and communication about my addons.
11-25-08 04:30 PM by: Voorije
It has come to my attention that RuneWatch is currently suffering in functionality due to the lack of localization. I was originally delaying localization support till a further version for I believed it to be an issue only affecting the usability of the configuration.

It has become apparent that the locale of your client can effect the functionality of some components of the mod and it is my wish to see all users from all locales happy with my mod.

I am currently looking for some people to aid with the (at least simple) localization of my mod. This can be as little as getting spell names and a couple key words.

The following locales are in need of some help:

- esMX - Spanish
- frFR - French
- deDE - German
- ruRU - Russian

If you believe you're able to help me with this I would be greatly appreciative and will mention you in the localization credits.
I've just released a new version of RuneWatch, this version combines all the features I was working on in my last push of development on the WotLK Beta and has been tested on live.

I also wanted to push a fresh release version because I noticed a lot of people downloading v1.0.2 since it was the latest "stable" version.

Added in v1.2.0 comes a variety of changes, such as a new Compact Skin, Multiple rune Graphics and the all-new Disease Tracker!

The Disease Tracker helps you watch your various diseases, and keeps a numerical count so you know how much a punch your abilities are gonna be.

For all those of you who have been keeping up with the beta versions, the most significant changes you'll notice are that the disease tracker now supports Crypt Fever / Ebon Plague & Unholy Blight.

As always, please use the Report Bug Feature to report any bugs or post a ticket on my CurseForge project (Whichever is easiest for you)

Additionally for feature requests you can use the feature request button on my portal here or post a ticket on the CurseForge project.


09-10-08 04:32 AM by: Voorije
RuneWatch 1.1.x

Some of you may have been wondering why I've started releasing v1.1.x with very minimal changes to RuneWatch.

This is not the case. There is a substantial change to the complete design of RuneWatch that will allow for the features I have planned to be made. I'm still waiting on some Artwork from Elderige and fleshing out the details of the next step, but I felt that people should get used to the new config & frame.

RuneWatch & X-Perl

I've recieved a number of messages / bug reports about a conflict between X-Perl and RuneWatch. After a lot of inspection into X-Perl I've identified the problem and worked in a fix in v1.1.2 Beta.

Those people who went back to 1.0.2 Stable can now upgrade to 1.1.2 Beta and continue to use X-Perl
RuneWatch v1.0.2 Stable

Firstly I'll explain the naming change. Unfortunately I've been swayed to a different SVN service than the WoWI one. WoWI's SVN is nice, but the one i'm using now is nicer, by a lot! The version number change comes from the new build process on the new service.

  • Added Rune-Order Switching & Configuration
  • Added Runic Power Bar Configuration Options

HitsBroker v1.0.0 Stable

HitsBroker is a LibDataBroker-1.1 Data Exporter. It's job is to collect information about your hits/misses/crits and exports it through LDB to a generic interface.

To use HitsBroker you must install a LDB-Based Display Addon like Fortress.

  • Tracks your hits / misses / crits
  • Displays a nice percentage of each category
  • Uses a MVC Arcitecture (LibDataBroker-1.1)
New Features
  • New Graphics!
  • Configuration Options Revamp
  • New Behavioral Mode: Fade-Out
  • Graphics Re-Worked to align better
  • And much more...

Grab the new version at the RuneWatch project page.

Please submit any bugs using the report bug feature on this portal.