Updated: 04-21-14 09:44 PM
Updated:04-21-14 09:44 PM
Created:04-15-14 11:08 AM


Version: 0.5.1-4
by: acapela [More]

DisplacedEnergyWatcher watches and attempts to micromanage collective raid response to Malkorok's "Displaced Energy" debuff.

  • Intended to be enabled by a "raid leader" (main tank or other critical-path participant)
  • Intended to operate while the raid is stacked during Malkorok's "Blood Rage" phase (operates continuously while enabled, with as light a footprint as possible, just doesn't respond to anything except Malkorok activity)
  • Detects when the "Displaced Energy" debuff lands on players
  • Detects when "Displaced Energy" does damage to the player running the addon, when within roughly a 10-yard range of afflicted players (any of whom could be the culprit)
  • Detects when "Displaced Energy" is dispelled, when the dispel target is within roughly a 10-yard range of the player running the addon (TODO: flag when it is dispelled at all, since some raids prefer to let it expire naturally)
  • Screams bloody murder, and names names (the person afflicted, the afflicted player(s) who may be causing damage, and the person dispelling when the dispel target is too close), when any of this player "dysfunction" is detected
  • Currently dumps verbose diagnostics to Blizzard "ChatFrame7". If you use ChatFrame7 for some purpose of your own... my apologies. This should be temporary
All Displaced Energy damage reported in the combat log is attributed to Malkorok; the afflicted player actually causing the damage cannot be positively identified. All afflicted players close enough to be causing the damage are "blamed" collectively. This is somewhat circumstantial, but something is better than nothing, and if everyone is managing the mechanics correctly, none of these events should occur, and therefore none should be detected/reported.

Disclaimer: Alpha-grade software. Please sanity check its warnings through direct observation, and report if you detect any problems (false positives, false negatives). Feature requests are also welcome (though I don't know when I would be able to get to them).

- name change, including move to new SVN repository

- initial public ALPHA release
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Unread 05-06-14, 03:24 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by Tonyleila
I understand how the word Nazi is meant by you but as a German I don't understand how anyone comes on the idea to use it in this way, there are so many better words. Its creepy how words get abused so easy. Have you every thought about what a Jew woud think while downloading and using this addon?
And what happens now if you google Nazi you find a WoW side. This dosen't make sense.
This shoud not be part of an Online Game or an Addon for it.
LMAO cry much grow up a bit, many say words that would offend people if you go crying to everyone that may offend you going to be a big waste of time. Not to mention you only care because this hit home for some dame reason. But to help you in the future I have provided a link for you
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Unread 04-21-14, 08:18 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Name change incoming

FWIW, in the interest of avoiding additional controversy, I have made the software changes required to alter the name of the addon to "DisplacedEnergyWatcher" (the most innocuous/sanitized variant I could think of). I will release this here (and change the addon description and associated WoWInterface page names/etc) as soon as I have been able to test these changes.

I toyed briefly with naming the addon "DisplacedEnergyTonyleilaPoliticalCorrectnessPolice", or some such... but as much fun as this would be, I fear it would be a) cryptic, and b) a little too long. So I will stick with the more obviouss. I will confine myself to crediting "Tonyleila" with his/her/its role in the controversy in the addon's documentation.

As well, while downloads are disabled, as far as I can tell no-one from WoWInterface has contacted me, in any fashion, regarding what the issue is. Probably safe to assume it is the controversy regarding the name, but again, I have nothing official from WoWInterface. Please feel free to actually contact me and make everything explicit.

Retired author/maintainer of Aloft (the nameplate addon)
Zippy said it best: "All life is a BLUR of Republicans and Meat!"
Last edited by acapela : 04-21-14 at 08:23 PM.
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Unread 04-21-14, 03:56 AM  
A Molten Giant
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There are maybe other words for "fanatic" or "a person obsessed into rouls" than Nazi but my english is not very good.
First of all I woud add Malkorok name into the addon titel since his name is in every language the same but the debuff is not. If someone have problems with the boss woud he search for a specific debuff or for the bossname?
There is already a "Malkorok Helper" addon but it just shows the shit on the ground... so maybe just "Malkorok debuff Alert" or "Malkorok Displaced Energy Helper".

For me an addon name dosen't have to sound cool but shoud explain what it does.

ps. Isen't it funny Nazi is an OK word here but S.hit not? Maybe I shoud say that Ku Klux Klan Nazi dust thing he makes on the ground! rofl!
Author of: LeilaUI and Aurora: Missing Textures
Last edited by Tonyleila : 04-21-14 at 04:04 AM.
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Unread 04-20-14, 04:43 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Originally Posted by Tonyleila
I understand how the word Nazi is meant by you but as a German I don't understand how anyone comes on the idea to use it in this way, there are so many better words. Its creepy how words get abused so easy. Have you every thought about what a Jew woud think while downloading and using this addon?
And what happens now if you google Nazi you find a WoW side. This dosen't make sense.
This shoud not be part of an Online Game or an Addon for it.
Understood. The USA has had its share of issues with authoritarian racist political movements as well (Re: Ku Klux Klan, which constituted a very dark chapter in our history), including (IMO) the current "Republican Party" (whose political candidate selection process is driven largely by aging, poorly educated, rural, caucasian males with fairly extreme racial/gender insecurites).

I am open to changing the name... but "how I came on using it in this way" is explained very clearly on the home page for the addon. Google "Nazi" and you would get hits on the Seinfeld Show also (well ahead of anything to do with WoW).

I would note you don't offer a single actual suggestion regarding which of these "so many better words" would be acceptable to you. "DisplacedEnergyMartinet"? "DisplacedEnergyLeashJerker"? "DisplacedEnergyCulturalRevolutionary"? "DisplacedEnergyJacobin"? "DisplacedEnergyGrandDragon" (confining the metaphor purely to US history)? Or should I just give up and call it something very sanitary and "politically correct", like "DisplacedEnergyWatcher"?

p.s. what makes you believe I am something other than a Jew myself?

p.p.s. NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!
Retired author/maintainer of Aloft (the nameplate addon)
Zippy said it best: "All life is a BLUR of Republicans and Meat!"
Last edited by acapela : 04-20-14 at 04:44 PM.
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Unread 04-19-14, 04:50 PM  
A Molten Giant
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I understand how the word Nazi is meant by you but as a German I don't understand how anyone comes on the idea to use it in this way, there are so many better words. Its creepy how words get abused so easy. Have you every thought about what a Jew woud think while downloading and using this addon?
And what happens now if you google Nazi you find a WoW side. This dosen't make sense.
This shoud not be part of an Online Game or an Addon for it.
Author of: LeilaUI and Aurora: Missing Textures
Last edited by Tonyleila : 04-19-14 at 04:54 PM.
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